Recent Posts

A Bonafide Recluse
I found myself to be very busy throughout the entire day today. I was able to get quite a bit done on my book. I must be honest...some parts of it make me very sad. The chapter I’m working on now is about my mother cat. It takes a…

The Nerve of Some People!
Last night poor Georgie P Puddinandpie was terrified because of the fireworks. He asked if he could sleep next to me. Because he is elderly, I agreed. When I woke up this morning, he was full-on…

The Bombs Are Bursting In Air
Currently, our neighbors are blowing crap up in their backyards. All of the vile beasts are freaked out and I am worn out from trying to tend to them. I’m certain Oliver the dog is going to need therapy after this. He is completely…

Why Do Humans Like To Blow Stuff Up?
In other news, I spent the day trying to prepare all the vile beasts for the inevitable backyard firework celebrations in my neighborhood. I’m dreading it. Why do humans like to blow stuff up? I just don’t get it. Georgie is…

Our Mailman Has Anger Issues
I am just a little bit perturbed with our mailman. I had finally gotten settled and the words were beginning to flow through my fingertips when suddenly there was the loudest bang I’ve ever heard at my front door. It scared the daylights out of the woman and all of the vile beasts went scurrying to their hidey-holes. I grabbed …

Thinking Outside of the Box
Dearest friends on the internet, I trust today was good for you. All is well here. I did a lot of meditating and Gregorian chanting last night. It really helped me get clear about my feelings. I was able to come to several realizations. In all honesty…

Miss Elizabeth Taylor Is Still A Hussy
Dearest friends on the internet, Happy middle of the week! We only have a few more days before we can celebrate the weekend! I’m writing early today because the woman took Miss Elizabeth Taylor for her check-up with Dr. Evan this morning. We were really nervous about what her blood work would show. Elizabeth seems to feel okay but there are days when she just will not eat. We are doing everything Dr. Evan has told us to do but she’s still losing weight and her fur is falling out big time.

Miss Elsie Fallulah Graves
Dearest friends on the internet,I believe a celebration is in order because we made it through this vile day! I’m sure the day could’ve been worse, but I’m happy to kick Monday’s sorry behind out the door.
Last week I mentioned Miss Elsie Fallulah Graves. Quite a few of you said you had never heard me talk about her before. Miss Elsie is our grande dame.

Mowing of the grass
Dearest friends on the internet,
I hope this message finds you enjoying a lovely Saturday night.
I think possibly you should make sure you are sitting down for what I am about to announce. The woman actually mowed my yard today! Of course she whined and moaned the entire time. “It’s too hot!” “I need to rest!” “Oh look! A squirrel!” It took her double the time it should have to get it done but it’s finished...at least for today. There’s no telling when she will do it again.

The Pink Sweater Incident
I am sad to report there was an incident in my house today. I’m even sadder to report the incident involved me.

Don’t Persecute Me.
Dearest friends on the internet,
I trust Thursday treated you kindly today. I’m thrilled to report that Friday will be arriving in just a few short hours. This annoying week will soon be behind us.
I will be honest...I haven’t felt so great today. I stayed to myself most of the day and focused on my book. The woman says she thinks it’s just my IBD. The good news is that I ate every single bite of my supper so the woman said she thinks I’m probably going to feel much better tomorrow. Right now she is preparing the sofa for Fuzzy Sock Nite. She promised to rub my belly, which always helps.

Five Good Things
Dearest friends on the internet,
I trust today was a good day for you all. All is well here. The woman managed to get on my very last nerve, but overall we are okay.
I know we are all very stressed but I firmly believe there are lots of things we can be thankful for. I know sometimes it’s hard to see them, but they are there. I thought I’d share my list of Five Good Things:

Vanity Wars Continue
Dearest friends on the internet,
Another day has come and gone. Personally, I’m glad this vile Tuesday is soon to be a memory. It was an exasperating day.
All is well here. The woman spoke with Dr Evan about Miss Elizabeth Taylor. Today made two weeks of her being on a chemo drug. He seemed to be pleased with how things are going and wants us to keep giving her fluids and medication for another week.

How To Drink From A Water Dish Training Class
Dearest Buddy Holly,
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to address an issue that has come to my attention.
Buddy, as you are aware, earlier today the woman was fussing because every day for the past week there have been puddles of spilled water in the kitchen floor. I decided to do some reconnaissance work to see what was really going on. I strategically stationed myself inside the pantry so I could observe all activities. At approximately 4:00 this afternoon you walked into the kitchen and went straight to the water dish. I almost could not believe my eyes with what happened next...

BREAKING NEWS: Interlopers!

Bob and the Hedgehog

Bob's List of 5 Good Things
I spent last night thinking about the good things I am grateful for. It was difficult because of all the crap that is being dumped on us daily...but I did it. I came up with my list of good things...okay...maybe it's not a LONG list but it's a list.
It's Good To Be King

My new office...
I do not understand why the woman thinks she can tempt me worldly things. I need her to pay attention to ME instead of paying for things. Why is this so hard for her to understand?