The Nerve of Some People!


Dearest friends on the internet,

I hope this message finds you well. All is well here.

I am quite disgusted at the moment. I would like to know who allowed the weekend to pass so very quickly. In just a few short hours, Monday will be slinking back into all of our lives. It’s simply ridiculous!

I am happy to report that all is quiet on the home front here. Normally fireworks gone for a solid week in my neighborhood but as of this moment, nobody is blowing stuff up.

In other news, I am concerned that I may have created a monster. Last night poor Georgie P Puddinandpie was terrified because of the fireworks. He asked if he could sleep next to me. Because he is elderly, I agreed. When I woke up this morning, he was full on spooning me. The nerve! Then he proceeded to follow me around all day trying to give me head butts. Clearly this must stop. I do not want to hurt Georgie’s feelings but he must stop invading my personal space. I am going to meditate about the best way to handle this situation.

I hope you all will have a fantastic night’s rest and you will be prepared for whatever crap Monday is likely to sling your way. Just remember, washing your hands and wearing face masks increases your energy...(okay, it doesn’t really but if it will get people to follow the guidelines, we’ll say it does).

Very truly yours,


A Bonafide Recluse


The Bombs Are Bursting In Air