Recent Posts

Last week was hard…full of ups and downs. Our Elizabeth Taylor was in serious trouble. There was no doubt that she was quickly dying right before us. We all were sad and the woman was beside herself. She was grieving the loss of Miss Elizabeth before she had even left us.

Operation Birthday Card
After I mentioned in a post last week that the woman will not be able to spend time with her dad on his birthday due to him being quarantined, quite a few people contacted me asking for his address so they could send him a birthday card. He will turn 95 years old on September 17! Can you imagine that?

Weekly Round-Up of Cool Cat Stuff
It’s Sunday and that means it’s time for my weekly round-up of cool stuff I’ve found on the internet. If you have vile beasts, they will be most happy if you get them a surprise….and there are even a few suggestions for you!

The Crankiness Continues
I am just a little bit disgusted with her. She keeps whining about how exhausted she is. “Bob, I drove close to 750 miles round-trip in one day, on top of dealing with stress while I was there. I’m so tired!” First of all...I’ve given her two nights filled with my Intense Purr Therapy treatment. That is more than enough joy and happiness to help her get over this by now. Secondly, all I can hear when she speaks is…

Intensive Purr Therapy
She left my house at 5:00 AM and did not return until 8:30 PM. She was exceptionally tired, cranky, and stressed when she returned. I knew immediately this would require an intense purr therapy session that went late into the night. I believe there was some residual crankiness today so…

Elsie Fallulah Freaks Me Out
Thank you all for your support in my attempt to coach Miss Elsie. I will be honest...I did not even attempt to have a discussion with her today. There were many reasons why…

Miss Elsie Fallulah Is The Queen Of Sass
As much as I would like to avoid it, I must have a one-on-one conversation with Miss Elsie Fallulah Graves. I try very hard to stay out of her way but her behavior has become so vile that I must bring it to her attention. She is the queen of sass. She prefers to…

Just Another Day At My House
There really wasn’t much going on here today. I think we have all recovered from Elsie’s birthday celebration. Miss Elsie certainly knows how to throw a party. And you would think with her being 17 years old now that she would conduct herself like the mature woman that she is. If you think that, you would be…

Weekly Round Up of Cool Cat Stuff
It’s Sunday and that means my weekly round-up of cool stuff I’ve found for cats on the internet. If you have vile beasts, they will be most happy if you get them a surprise….and there are even a few suggestions for you!

Barnabas Collins
There really wasn’t much going on here today. I think we have all recovered from Elsie’s birthday celebration. Miss Elsie certainly knows how to throw a party. And you would think with her being 17 years old now that she would conduct herself like the mature woman that she is. If you think that, you would be wrong…

In The Dog House
We did have a little issue in the middle of the night. We all were sleeping soundly when suddenly the woman let out a piercing scream, “GET OFF OF ME, SAMMY!” I had been sleeping in my satellite office but jumped up quickly and went tearing into the bedroom. The woman reached over…

Happy Birthday, Miss Elsie Fallulah!

Major Preparations!
We have major preparations underway today. Tomorrow is Miss Elsie Fallulah Graves’ 17th birthday! The world will stop and revolve around Elsie the entire day. There will be dancing, kissing, and Elsie will get her very own…

Thank God Monday is over!
I am happy to report we have another day behind us. It was a particularly vile day so I’m glad it’s packing up its bags and hitting the road. All is well here and I am feeling much better today! I must be honest...I got a little bit excited because the woman dressed to leave the house today. I was so hopeful…

Spectacular Fur Balls
I hope this message finds you happy and feeling like a million bucks. I must be honest...I personally am feeling like a steaming pile of poo. I worked very hard all night to present the woman with the most SPECTACULAR furball she said she has ever seen. I feel quite poorly. The woman promised…

Weekly Round Up of Cool Cat Stuff
Dearest friends on the internet, I hope this post finds you happy and healthy! I’ve rounded up some cool stuff for cats on the internet. If you have vile beasts, they will be most happy if you get them a surprise…

A Brick House
Dearest friends on the internet, We made it! Friday has come and it is now time to get your freak on! I hope all is well with you. Everything is just fine here at Chez Bob. This has been what felt like the longest day ever. I did not think 5:00 pm would ever get here. I have dealt with one issue after another today. First, right after…

The Woman Must Learn To Control Herself
I tried so hard to work on my book today but every five minutes the woman would come into my office to kiss me, squeeze me, or pick me up for a quick dance. It was non-stop…

The Devil Made Him Do It
All is well here. I worked the entire day on my book and spent the biggest part of my time going down memory lane. I’m in the chapter where I tell about meeting the woman. This pic is the first one she ever took of me inside the house. I was so…

I Really Am Writing A Book
Another day is now behind us. I am happy to report all is well at my house and I hope the same for you. I spent another day working on my book. Some of you messaged me saying you weren’t sure if I was just teasing or if there really is a book. I promise with all of my heart there is a real book…