The Crankiness Continues


Dearest friends on the internet,
I trust this message finds you happy and healthy. All is well here.

I spent the day working feverishly to get my writing schedule back on track. The woman’s whirlwind trip on Tuesday completely fouled everything up because I had to supervise all of the vile beasts while she was gone. Then yesterday and today she has been walking around like a zombie.

I am just a little bit disgusted with her. She keeps whining about how exhausted she is. “Bob, I drove close to 750 miles round-trip in one day, on top of dealing with stress while I was there. I’m so tired!”

First of all...I’ve given her two nights filled with my Intense Purr Therapy treatment. That is more than enough joy and happiness to help her get over this by now. Secondly, all I can hear when she speaks is “me, me, me”. I mean, seriously! I’ve got a book to write, get published, and released by the end of the summer! I don’t have time for this drama. It’s time to simmer down and get back to work. I mean, I love her but sometimes she plucks my very last nerve.

I will be honest, I am still a bit cranky tonight myself. I am worried that my meditations are not working. I think I will add in some Gregorian chanting this evening to see if that will help me get my groove back.

I hope you all have a lovely evening and prepare your hearts for a wonderful Friday. Please go wash your hands and make sure your face mask is fresh and clean for tomorrow.

Very truly yours,


Weekly Round-Up of Cool Cat Stuff


Intensive Purr Therapy