Dearest Friends,I fear that the time is near for me to execute an intervention for the woman. The problem is deeply rooted in her DNA but I must find a way to help her or I fear there will be no hope for
me...uh...I mean her.The problem is multifaceted...first, there's the house filled with vile beasts that I...uhm...again, I mean, she must tend to every day. The litter boxes alone are enough to drive a person insane. Someone is always creating disgusting messes or getting their hairy fur all over the place. And, the amount of my money that is spent every week on feed their lazy astronomical. If I have to pay to feed them, the least they could do is go get jobs to help with the expense.Then she became addicted to April the Giraffe and the baby that did not want to come out. For a while there I thought I had lost the woman for good...she had the Giraffecam live streaming into my kitchen, my living room, my bedroom and my office. Plus, she would sneak and watch it at night when she was supposed to be sleeping. And, don't even get me started about the day the baby was born and the week following...I could not get the woman's attention no matter what I did because she had her nose stuck in front of a television watching the babycam. Thankfully, that is now behind us.But last night was the icing on the cake. The woman leaves food out for know...that's how I found her. She was getting ready to set some food out when this little criminal made an appearance. Now the woman is all worried about this new type of vile beast...I can tell he's a shady character. I must put my paw down...NO MORE DISGUSTING VILE BEASTS in our house. None! I must find some sort of rehab for her. Is there such a thing as Vile Beast Anonymous? I am going to clear my schedule to begin researching this for time is running out if there is to be any hope for
me, I mean, her to survive this mad addiction.If anyone has had any success in vile beast detox, please let me know.Very truly yours,Bob the Writer